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To aid in your search for video topics, use the search bar, or click on topical categories below. If using a mobile device, swipe the categories to the left to view each category.
Reaching the Lost - Chapter One: This is the first lesson in a series of lessons instructing the church to evangelize in our ever-changing world. This lesson is to motivate the Christian to go out and reach the lost.
This video will combine lessons 2 and 3 in our workbook series - Saving Souls In The 21st Century.
Lesson 2 will explain to the teacher how to use the workbook, giving a quick overview of all the lessons.
Lesson 3 will instruct the teacher on the first principle in evangelism - Prayer. In this section of the workbook you will find a helpful prayer list to write in the names of the people that the Lord has placed in your world who you are trying to reach for Jesus. Lean to use this pray-list everyday!
In this second study with our student, we will show them the solution to the sin problem - Part 1. According to Ephesians 2:8-9, salvation can not take unless both grace and faith are present. Grace is God’s part and faith is man’s part.
We are now in Chapter Two in our workbook - “Leading Someone To Christ”.
In this first lesson, we will try to get our student student to understand what sin is and how it effects their relationship with their Creator. Get them to admit to one sin they have committed in their lives against God. If we fail to get them to see that they are in a problem situation with their Creator, they will not seek to find a solution.
This is lesson 5 with our student - The Old and New Covenants - Part - 1. In this lesson we will get our students to have and better understanding in how the Bible works. Showing them what covenant they are under so that they can know what laws and commands their obedient faith is determined by.
This is lesson number 4 - Part 2 - Knowing How The Bible Works. In this lesson, we will discuss with our student in what the differences between the Old and New Covenants. Explaining to them that the two do not work the same. This will give our students a better foundation coming into Christianity.
This is lesson number 5 with our student we are leading to Christ - Making Disciples First. If we are to correctly follow the great commission that Jesus gave His followers in Matthew 28, we are to make people followers of Jesus before they are baptized into the Father, Son and Spirit. In this study we will show both the importance and give good reasons why we should follow Jesus.
This is lesson number 6 - Part 1, with our student we are leading to Christ - Becoming A Saved Child Of God. This study will lead us onto the road map toward salvation and land us at Acts chapter two. This will show our student this marvelous plan of salvation that the apostles will deliver to the people and what they need to do to be saved.
This is lesson number 6 - Part 2, in leading our student to Christ - Becoming A Saved Child Of God. In this second part we will breakdown Acts chapter 2, showing our student everything they were instructed to do by the apostle Peter so they could be saved.
We are now beginning chapter three of our workbooks - Keeping Someone In Christ. Now that our student is a Christian, we want to make sure they stay with Christ. This is lesson number 7 - Now What? Take your student through this study of I John and show them that they don’t have to be perfect, but to just keep walking faithfully with Christ. This will give them more confidence as a new Child Of God!
This is lesson number 8, in our study in keeping our new Christian in Christ - The Church. In this study we will show our new Christian the importance of the church and how vital it is to be a part of it. We will also talk about the worship of the church in this video.
This is study number 9 with our new Christian - The Structure Of The Church. In this study we will show our student how God designed His church and how each part of the church is to work. Getting them to understand that if each part works as God designed it, the church will grow and flourish on this earth. Also seeing how God has a place for everyone within His body, the church.
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